The Government allocates more than 2,500 million euros to scholarships and study aid in the 2023-2024 academic year, an all-time high that favors all students being able to study regardless of the territory in which they live and their financial resources. Students who are enrolled in post-compulsory education may apply from March 27 to May 17.

fafsa scholarships

What types of scholarships and study aids does the Government offer for the 2023/2024 academic year?

General scholarship for university studies:

University access course for people over 25 years of age (taught by public universities)

University education for bachelor's and master's degrees. Included are: bachelor's and master's degrees in Defense and Civil Guard university centers; Complementary credits or training complements to access or obtain the master's or bachelor's degree. The following are not included in this call for scholarships: third cycle or doctoral studies, specialization studies and university degrees.

General scholarship for non-university studies:

Access and preparation courses for entrance exams to Vocational Training and specific training courses for access to intermediate and higher level training cycles, taught in public and private subsidized centers

  • Intermediate and higher level Vocational Training
  • Artistic education: professionals and higher
  • Language teaching in Official Schools, including the distance modality
  • sports teachings
  • higher religious studies
  • Basic Vocational Training

Educational support aid. They are aimed at people who have a specific need to receive educational support derived from any of the following situations:

  • Disability
  • Severe conduct or communication and language disorder
  • autism spectrum disorder
  • High capacities

Amounts of the scholarships

The scholarships will include one or more of the following amounts:

  • fixed amounts

  • Tuition scholarship.
  • Fixed amount linked to the student's income
  • Fixed amount linked to the residence of the student during the school year.
  • Fixed amount linked to excellence in academic performance
  • Basic scholarship.
  • variable amount

The scholarship may also include a variable and different amount for the different applicants that will result from the weighting of the average grade of the student's file and their family income.

How much money goes to scholarships and what is the average amount?

The scholarships and study aids have an estimated budget of 2,520 million euros , compared to 2,134 million for the 2022-2023 academic year (later, another 400 million were added to finance the complementary aid of 100 euros per month that was announced in the debate on the state of the nation and began to be collected last September ).

This item has grown by 70% since the last budget of the previous Executive and will benefit more than one million students. It is estimated that the average amount of these grants will be 1,730 euros for non-university students and 3,130 for university students.

What are the main novelties of the scholarships for the next academic year?

Residence grants for post-compulsory studies have increased from 1,600 to 2,500 euros, which will benefit some 125,000 students. This measure will have a special impact on families in rural areas whose sons and daughters must travel to other locations to study.

There will be a complementary aid of 400 euros for students of non-university educational levels who prove a disability of at least 33%, severe conduct disorder, communication / language or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or high abilities to pay the additional expenses that their families must face. It is estimated that it will reach some 240,000 students.

What are the deadlines to apply for and receive the scholarships?

On March 17, the call for students who in the 2023-2024 academic year take post-compulsory education valid throughout the national territory was published.

Students who do not exceed a certain income and/or family wealth , who meet certain academic achievement requirements and who are studying:

Post-compulsory and non-university higher education of the Spanish educational system and valid throughout the national territory

University courses of the Spanish university system taken in Spanish centers and valid throughout the national territory.

The deadline to submit the scholarship application will be extended in both cases from March 27, 2023 to May 17, 2023 , both inclusive. It is advisable not to leave the scholarship application for the last day because the Ministry may request data that is in documents that the applicant will have to look for or consult.

During the months of August or September, applicants will know if they meet the conditions and, if so, they will be able to receive the scholarship in the last quarter of the year.

In the case of aid for students with specific educational support needs, the call has not yet been opened. In the 2022-2023 academic year, it was published on May 18, 2022, and the deadline to request the aid was from May 19 to September 30, 2022.

How do I apply for scholarships?

The entire scholarship application process is carried out through the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.

How do I know if I have been granted aid?

The interested party may check the status of their application at the electronic headquarters of the Ministry, in the "My files" section. Likewise, he may contact the scholarship unit of the corresponding educational administration or university, identifying himself in the file with his NIF / NIE.

In addition, on the website of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training you can check the status of processing applications at each of the universities and educational administrations.

 More information

Frequent questions

  • Scholarships and grants portal of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training
  • General information: scholarships and grants for post-compulsory level students
  • Resolution of the Secretary of State for Education, which calls for general scholarships for the 2023-2024 academic year for students who are studying post-compulsory studies (PDF)
  • BOE with the extract of the resolution of general scholarships for the academic year 2023-2024, for students who are studying post-compulsory studies