The 40 best ways to earn money online are

Create an online store

2.     -Sell ​​on social networks

3.     -resell products

4.    - Sell ​​by dropshipping

5.   -  Register in a marketplace

6.     -Offer your professional services

7.    - market products

8.     -Being a digital nomad

9.     -Being a micro-influencer

10.  Have a YouTube channel

11.  create a podcast

12.  Write digital content

13.  UX Writing

14.  Copywriting

15.  Provide digital marketing consultancies

16.  Be an SEO consultant

17.  Offer expert SEM services

18.  Do email marketing

19.  Invest in affiliate marketing

20.  Sell ​​ad space on your website

21.  community manager

22.  Social Media Strategist

23.  content marketing

24.  Graphic design

25.  Web development

26.  Photo and video editing

27.  create applications

28.  web consultancies

29.  video game testing

30.  Sell ​​courses online

31.  virtual classes

32.  consultancies

33.  virtual assistance

34.  Translation

35.  Review and correction of texts

36.  Transcription

37.  image consultancy

38.  remote care

39.  Investment in cryptocurrencies

40.  cryptocurrency consulting

The list is headed by the best way to earn money online that is selling through a professional online store. If you have a business idea, we invite you to promote it with our platform. You can do a free trial to see it first hand.

How to get money on internet?

Whether it is to generate an extra income, for wanting  to work from home or for the desire to start a new project, if you were wondering how to earn money online, you are in the right place .

Virtuality opens up many possibilities for professional development . Today we bring you 40 options to help you answer one of the questions that surely brought you to this post: what can I do to earn money online ?

Let's go straight to the point!

The best 40 ways to earn money online

Online sales 🛍

1. Create an online store

Earning money online in this way is becoming more accessible, especially since the emergence of e-commerce platforms.

With these types of tools, you can create a personalized online store and start selling products or offering services.

One of the most frequent questions in this instance is what to sell online. To build a profitable business, the first step is to find a niche market.

Doing this demand analysis takes time and effort, but planning is crucial to launching a successful project.

When you define the market to which you are going to dedicate yourself, in addition to knowing your consumers in depth, it is important that you study the competition . What other brands offer the same? What aspects of your services stand out and how is your tone and voice when communicating? What audience are they targeting?

Businesses and ventures that sell the same products will give you clues on how to address your potential customers and what strategies will help you penetrate the niche.

Thinking about the differential of your brand goes hand in hand with the concept of competitive advantage . The products or services that you offer to generate money have to be the best option or bring another attribute into play in relation to the competition.

To carry out these tasks, a strategic plan is necessary . Organize the objectives according to a short, medium and long term vision to understand which aspects and tasks to prioritize.


The benefits of creating your virtual store with Tiendanube

Faced with the dilemma of how to generate money from home , you see that this is a very good option. If you want to start your digital business today, we share the advantages of using Tiendanube to sell products or services online, which are many! Between them:

·         It is easy to set up, understand and manage.

·         The  management of logistics and payments is made very simple thanks to the integrations with shipping companies and payment gateways.

·         You can do a free trial for 30 days.

·         It offers multiple templates for you to design your custom store.

·         It has its own payment platform,  Pago Nube , which allows entrepreneurs to sell online without paying the cost per transaction.

·         It has an application store with tools to boost your business.

·         It has a network of specialists to provide support.

If you are curious to learn more about the platform that has earned the trust of more than 100,000 brands in Latin America, we will tell you how to create your Tiendanube step by step :

This brings us to the idea of ​​offering a spread . What do we mean? For your brand to have a characteristic that makes it unique, an aspect that is original. It can be anything from a new product to great customer service .

With this plan in hand, it's time to take action. Try the leading platform in Latin America to create your online store and build a robust business . Show the world what you are capable of doing with Tiendanube: materialize your business idea!

And there are still more! If you are already selling online, but with a service that does not meet your expectations, we offer you the possibility of switching to Tiendanube . In this article we tell you how  to migrate your online store .


2. Sell on social networks

Surely you have social networks that you use personally, to upload photos or videos, stay in touch with friends and follow topics of interest to you. When we think about how to earn money online, these platforms can become a great ally.

In this blog we have a lot of information to help you:

·         sell on instagram,

·         activate the store on Facebook or

·         make money with tiktok

The idea is to take advantage of the reach that these networks have to scale your sales.

Although many people start selling only through this means, with the passage of time you will identify that it is very superior to invest in a platform that allows you to create an online store to sell through this means. The main reasons for this are two:

Automated business management (payments, shipping, service, billing, even marketing actions) frees up valuable time that you can focus on planning effective strategies to win customers and boost your sales.

With your own website, your brand is in the center and receives all the attention. Thus, it is easier to implement branding strategies that allow you to make new sales and retain customers who have already bought from you.

A great advantage of complementing both channels is to drive more traffic to your company's website . For example, if the photos of your products on social networks are amazing, users will want to enter your online store to see the complete catalog.

Social networks are also a powerful tool to activate customer retention strategies . A common case is after -sales, where it is possible to maintain contact through the platform and generate new business opportunities.

A key aspect of selling on social networks is that they have their own ad creation tools or advertising guidelines. This will help you improve the reach of your posts.

Do you want to know other ways to earn money online? Let's keep going!

3. Resell products

To sell to earn money online , many people choose this scheme that brings with it some important benefits.

Reselling products consists of obtaining an item and remarketing it to achieve a higher economic return. This work dynamic is ideal for those who do not handcraft the items they are going to offer in their business.

Of course, if you choose this modality, we recommend building your brand through Tiendanube, to offer a comprehensive shopping experience and scale your business.

4. Sell by dropshipping

If the question is how to earn money online, we cannot fail to mention  dropshipping in Argentina , which is growing stronger every day.

In this business model you can start selling without having inventory , playing an intermediary role between the buyer and the supplier, better known as a " dropshipper ".

Let's put a practical example of dropshipping to see it more clearly:You, as an entrepreneur, sell technology accessories from a provider in your online store. When the customer buys one, you contact the dropshipper and tell him what was sold and where he has to send it. The buyer pays you and you have to do the same with the supplier.

5. Register in a marketplace

As with virtual stores, marketplaces are another online sales channel to market products. The difference is that, unlike an e-commerce, this space brings together sellers (as if it were a virtual fair).

This alternative is suitable for those looking to earn money online without investing.

The main advantage of using marketplaces is that they have a large number of visits . Your products will be exposed to a solid audience, without the need for a large investment of time (and money) for dissemination.

The best-known marketplaces in Argentina are:

·         Free market

·         OLX

·         Dafiti

 Professional tip! Do you remember that we talked about the applications that you can integrate to Tiendanube? Among them, we have Astroselling and EcomNube , designed to synchronize your marketplace publications with your virtual business, so you can sell through both channels!

These platforms function as mediators between brands and consumers . A marketplace can give you visibility and help you penetrate a market. But, if you are looking to differentiate yourself from the competition and deepen the recognition of your brand ,  creating your own online store will give you a greater return.

6. Offer your professional services

Your knowledge and skills can be useful to other entrepreneurs or brands. You can earn money online by offering your services and becoming a provider without investing much .

For example, if you are an expert in marketing, you can work as a freelancer creating sales strategies using social networks or email marketing.

To draw the attention of interested people, we recommend:

·         create a website where you showcase your work,

·         publish a blog to attract customers and

·         Put together advertisements on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.

7. Market digital products

Among the changes and professional possibilities brought by the Internet is the popularization of digital product , such as e-books or webinars . But, how to earn money from home with this type of articles?


Suppose you want to provide training, for example, a webinar on how to do crafts , that is, you are a specialist in a specific area or have a skill . You can transform that knowledge into an "info product" and sell it!

This can range from knowing how to sew, editing videos, offering advice or consulting, there are many options! In fact, later we will go into detail about some of these alternatives.

And don't think you need to master great digital tools to dedicate yourself to this. With the platforms available today, it is possible to produce content in various formats.

What will define the popularity of your digital products will be your ability to help the public that consumes it and provide what they were looking for in your content.

8. Being a digital nomad

If you want to travel the world and  earn money while you travel , the internet is your #1 ally.

You can take advantage of the incredible places you know,  take pictures and sell them through the web, be a travel influencer or give online language classes. You only need an internet connection and take advantage of your adventure to encourage you to take the leap and undertake

Content creation

9. Be a micro-influencer

Influencers are people with very active profiles on social networks who , having a large number of followers, become opinion leaders . The content they generate is very valuable because they have the ability to drive action in their audience.

In our list of ways to earn money online , we talk about  micro-influencer to invite you to face the project little by little and scaling more and more.

The important thing is to build a solid community on social networks where your target audience is  , find the most effective strategies in your niche to grow followers and gain authority .

Well, how to make money on the internet being an influencer ? Precisely, if you have a considerable audience and a good level of interaction in your content, brands are going to pay you to spread and promote their products or services.

10. Have a YouTube channel

YouTube is one of the largest video sharing platforms on the Internet . The advantage of creating an account on this social network and having a vlog is the possibility of producing and disseminating complementary materials for your products.


The following examples will help you increase the visibility of your business with videos:

·         Product presentation

·         Content related to your target audience

·         Consumer Testimonials

·         Interviews with experts

11. Create a podcast

Podcasts are audio content available on certain platforms, such as Spotify. There are programs of all subjects and items and it is a genre in full growth and expansion.

To earn money online with this type of content, you can advertise other brands in your episodes, or use it as another way of disseminating your business, where you talk about the advantages of your products and encourage listeners to visit your store and buy.


12. Write digital content

Every day there are more jobs to earn money online with writing . In this first case, we refer to the writing of texts that is published as web content. An example? The post you are reading right now!

The writing of content in blogs consists of producing texts for commercial purposes , whether they are promotion and brand recognition or direct conversion. This process involves researching, planning, writing, editing, and publishing the pieces so that they generate results.

Professional tip: this point comes hand in hand with SEO, a discipline that we discuss in depth in a future section. Keep reading to complement your knowledge!

13. UX Writing

The acronym UX stands for User Experience , that is, the user experience. This discipline focuses on the person who is using an application or reading a web page, for example, fulfilling their objective in the simplest and most intuitive way possible .

For example, if you are looking for certain information, that you find it quickly and clearly; If you need to place an order in an app , you can do it in a few clicks, understanding the steps you must carry out and feeling confident in the process.

UX applies to web development, digital product design, and writing. In the latter, UX Writing comes into play . User - oriented writing defines the optimal words to convey the message that corresponds to that screen or moment .


14. Copywriting

Another way to earn money online by writing is by dedicating yourself to copy-writing , that is, writing persuasive texts framed in specific marketing actions or oriented to direct sales .

If you are interested in this area, you can specialize in calls to action ,which are calls to action. Don't miss our free e-book exclusively dedicated to this!


15. Provide digital marketing consultancies

Digital marketing is responsible for finding your brand's target audience and addressing it in the most strategic way to obtain the results you are looking for with your business. From brand recognition or driving qualified traffic to your store to converting sales.

Earning money online by providing digital marketing consultancies can be an excellent job opportunity and very profitable, since it is an area that companies are taking advantage of every day.

If these are your first steps, we help you get started with this  template to create a marketing plan : download it for free!

16. Be an SEO consultant

Within digital marketing services, you can earn money online by offering SEO consultancies  . This is about implementing strategies to improve the search engine positioning of brand content.

If you were wondering how to earn money online, this may be the key! There are many job opportunities that you can take advantage of to work remotely. In addition, the discipline is becoming so specialized that you can do SEO for e-commerce or for companies of all kinds.

17. Offer expert SEM services

SEM refers to the strategies that we put into practice to improve the visibility of content in search engines. Just as we talk about SEO, which focuses on organic actions, you can also dedicate yourself to those that are paid.

This is usually called SEM, although it is correct to speak of SEA, which refers to advertising, advertising. By specializing in SEA, you will implement paid ad campaigns to boost the web positioning of any business.

18. Do email marketing

Following the line of digital marketing, email marketing is another of the most required modalities in recent times. With tools like  Mailchimp or HubSpot you can implement automation campaigns to contact potential customers via email .

19. Invest in affiliate marketing

We continue to name the best ways to earn money online. If you have a good following on social networks, you can work with affiliate marketing.

It is a commercial strategy that allows you to become the representative or ambassador of a brand by promoting and selling your company's products in exchange for commissions agreed between both parties.

For example, at Tiendanube we have the Associates program where you can register, be part of the digital ecosystem by designing stores and access the benefits of membership.

To implement affiliate marketing, we recommend working with products and market niches that you know well. If your role is to communicate to the public the characteristics of a certain product or service, it is best if it is related to topics where you have authority .

To give a case, a famous illustrator with a very good arrival on social networks can  be an influencer and promote artistic painting materials. On the other hand, if he makes recommendations on technology products, his level of influence is likely to be less.


20. Sell ad space on your website

If you have a blog, a website or an online store with good traffic and  conversion rate , another option to earn money online is to sell advertising space on your page.

This strategy can take the form of a link at the bottom of the site, side banners , or pop-up windows .

To get it going, you have to integrate an ad network on your website. The best known tools for this are:

·         Google AdSense

·         ezoic


Social networks

21.Community manager

The Community Manager is in charge of building, expanding and managing the digital audience that follows a brand.

With social networks as the main tool and analysis and administration platforms, he takes care that his accounts gain more and more followers and enhance interaction with the content generated.

22.Social Media Strategist

The Social Media Strategist is the one who plans, develops and implements the main strategies involved in a comprehensive social media plan . In some cases, he does not implement the actions, but focuses on designing the tactics to achieve the results.

Design and development

24. Graphic design

Graphic design consists of transmitting a message or an idea visually . For this reason, professionals in this discipline are in charge of creating graphic pieces aligned to what is sought to be communicated.

Working with graphic design is one of the most profitable ways to earn money online , since it is a profession that is highly sought after by companies of all sizes, including international ones.

25. Web development

If we talk about earning money online in Argentina, web development is another of the most recommended outlets. It's about building and maintaining  websites so that they function well, are clearly organized and useful .

26. Photo and video editing

With the rise of social networks and digital platforms, photo and video editing has become a priority for many content creators and all kinds of brands with an online presence .

If you are interested in the field, we invite you to read our contents on:

·         video making apps

·         photo editing tools

27. Create Apps

With the right programming and development knowledge, you can devote yourself to creating . There are some very simple ones that are based on a good market idea and achieve remarkable success.

The main thing is that you be clear about the objective of your app and what problem it is aimed at solving or how easy it is to offer the user . With these clear concepts, the development and design follow, the testing phase and, finally, the publication to be downloaded.

28. Web consultancies

This type of consultancy focuses on evaluating websites and giving feedback to find opportunities for improvement . These can be oriented to questions of design, hierarchy of information, web architecture or the clarity to find the information.

29. Video game testing

These professionals are dedicated to testing video games so that developers can correct them before launch. This failure detection phase is key to guaranteeing the best reception of the material by the public.

So how to make money online? Playing may be the answer! Video games are among the most downloaded applications and, with this, companies dedicate budget to what development and testing implies to guarantee that the product is profitable.


Throughout this article we saw 40 good ways to earn money online . The secret to earning additional income on the web is to think outside the box and find what most identifies you.

So you already know! If you were wondering how to earn money online in Argentina , we invite you to create your virtual store today with Tiendanube; You have a 30 day free trial. It's easy, fast and you don't need technical knowledge!