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Tecnológico de Monterrey: 20 Free Online Courses in 2023

20 online courses at Tecnológico de Monterrey

Tecnológico de Monterrey online course

If you decide to choose this Tecnológico de Monterrey online course,

make sure that it will match your resume.

Water footprint: a comprehensive overview of water use

This is one of the Tecnológico de Monterrey online courses designed with environmental concerns in mind.

Daily water consumption is studied in depth, from individual to collective.

The purpose of this course is to enable people to recognize the great challenges facing water resources and how to encourage campaigns for their proper use by institutions.

Effective communication for today's leaders

A very interesting course that addresses the values ​​that a good leader should demonstrate.

This is one of the online courses of the Tecnológico de Monterrey that allows you to reflect on your values, your limitations and your desire to improve yourself by directing others.

This is a good lesson to reflect on your behavior in public and offer your best to improve your destiny.

Leadership in family business

With this course, you will have a firmer idea of ​​how to approach entrepreneurship and lead a family business.

The challenge for family businesses is knowing how to focus their investments for responsible results.

In addition, it is common for family business to attract too much emotion.

So this tutorial will help you clear your doubts and worries about how to approach it.

Leadership and organizational behavior

One of the most interesting Tecnológico de Monterrey online courses is to understand how your leadership skills can affect a specific industry.

Throughout this course, your values ​​will be challenged to discover the full potential that you have to offer.

The idea is to know that with your talent, you can create initiatives that can really impact your community, from small scale projects to larger caliber projects.

It will definitely change your personality and life.

Leadership focuses on human development

Tecnológico de Monterrey also offers courses that allow one to learn to be a leader to influence others.

A course that focuses on the importance of human personality as an important driver to bring all ventures to life.

The idea is to develop your values ​​and project enough around you to become a leader with strong thoughts and feelings.

Basics of Entrepreneurship in Family Businesses

This study is more detailed about the creation of small and medium-sized family businesses.

This is one of the online courses of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, which reflects the intellectual involvement of the family project and its development.

This course explores a variety of topics so that family businesses can truly integrate themselves into the market and position themselves with a consistent level of income.

Critical Thinking: Making Decisions

Perhaps one of the online courses of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, because there you can find different strategies to make your decisions accurate and objective.

The course goes deep into how emotions and anxiety affect your mind.

The aim of the course is to ensure that you have a solid set of criteria to defend your decisions alone or in a group.

Smart grid: the electricity grid of the future

Do you know what a smart set is? It's a new concept that defines the way we use the power grid.

For any electronics professional or electrician, this is an essential course to start implementing the smart grid of the future.

In this course you will find all the technical knowledge you need to master the smart grid concept and use it to your advantage.

electrical conductor

This is one of the Tecnológico de Monterrey online courses that explores the operation and performance of electricity in a country in depth.

The concept of power transmission is developed in depth to help students learn diversification.

That is, training that promotes innovation and entrepreneurship to increase the use of electricity.

The new electricity sector in Mexico

Tecnológico de Monterrey online courses

The electricity sector represents the driving force behind the economy of all countries.

In Mexico, this industry requires professionals who can expand them and earn enough money to work.

Topics covered in this course.

At the end of the course, one will have a clear understanding of the electricity industry and how to use it for the benefit of society and companies.

Electricity: Basic Concepts and Principles

With this Tecnológico de Monterrey online course, you can get a clear understanding of what defines electricity.

Yes, it's almost always available, but it's a great resource that hides a whole universe of interesting concepts.

A course full of curiosity and strange ideas about what electricity is and how it is used in everyday life.

Mexico's energy reform and its potential

It is often thought that energy is confined to an electric field.

Instead, this research will show that renewable energy and other energy sources derived from hydrocarbons are available.

In addition, their influence in Mexico will be explored in depth.

This course provides an in-depth study of the challenges posed by energy use in Mexico and how to optimize it for the benefit of society.

Effective negotiation and communication skills

Definitely one of the best Tecnológico de Monterrey online courses.

The structure of the course will enable you to use confident communication and have deep and honest conversations​​​​​​with other people.

Research that will help you understand the psychology of other people.

With the lessons learned here, you can manage your emotions to maintain critical thinking while communicating effectively.

Trading strategies and styles

Thanks to the content of this Tecnológico de Monterrey online course, you will gain a smarter understanding of how to conduct conversations with other people, maintaining your objectivity and criteria.

A course focused on understanding how to use communication to your advantage.

There are many strategies that allow you to work together with others, thereby developing the qualities of yourself and the people you work with.

Save energy

Tecnológico de Monterrey online courses

This should be one of the Tecnológico de Monterrey online courses.

The point of the study is to know all the strategies to reduce energy consumption, from the most complex to the most complex.

This course is designed for home and corporate use.

Not only to turn the lights on or off, but also to know where the usual energy leaks are.

Energy Market: Business Opportunities

This is a great course to learn about the different energies available nationally and internationally.

This course takes a deeper look at how renewable and conventional energy markets operate to drive viable business models.

One of the online courses at Tecnológico de Monterrey, entrepreneurs can bring innovation and resourcefulness to the market, create a revolution that allows the country to move forward and move forward.

Carbon markets: a way to mitigate climate change

Taking this opportunity, the study will analyze the components of the carbon footprint faced by the Mexican state and the international industry.

Throughout the content, they will provide guidelines that contribute to the environment without abandoning the use of hydrocarbons.

This Tecnológico de Monterrey online course offers a positive view of carbon, but at the same time responsibility for its impact on the environment and its relationship to climate change.

Electricity distribution

The core of this course is found in understanding the pillars that support electricity and its consumption in society.

Here the structure that supports the hydroelectric market and all the engineering that is part of its consumption will be identified.

With the help of the proposed content, you can develop your own opinion about the challenges faced by hydroelectric companies and the steps that must be taken by the task force working in this area.

Smart Set: Technical Basics

This is one of the Tecnológico de Monterrey's online courses that are moving forward.

The smart grid concept is part of a technology trend that is changing society.

Here, the meaning and implementation method will be taught in depth.

In this context, important aspects of the Internet of Things and mobile devices emerge.

The idea is to get a complete understanding of the smart set to create an innovation or business model that affects the market.

Conventional, clean energy and technology

The focus of this course is to make students aware of the current energy range.

The content explores how traditional energy can be strongly involved in society, considering that it will be replaced in the future.

Because of this, he also focuses on thinking about the impact of clean energy and more environmentally friendly technologies.

Online course at Tecnológico de Monterrey to learn how to use innovation and energy to participate in new markets.


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