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Queen's Quest 2023: Win a Fully Funded Trip!

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The prestigious Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition gives young people the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas on global issues. This year the competition is themed 'Youth-led Commonwealth' to celebrate 50 years of the Commonwealth Youth Programme. The competition is open now until 30 June 2023 and welcomes entries from across the Commonwealth.

This essay program encourages young people to express their views and use their power for meaningful change. The competition is organized by the Royal Commonwealth of Nations in 2023. There is no application fee.

Chance points

About the Commonwealth Queen Essay Competition

Participants in the international writing competition were divided into two categories at this year's conference; Major category and minor category. Students in the senior category are aged 14-18. Similarly, students up to the age of 14 years belong to the subcategory.

However, there are different essay topics for each category. The winner of each category will be judged, and the runner-up will be chosen by the public. The following paragraphs describe the theme of the Commonwealth Essay Competition.

This year, judges must listen to all the voices of young people, regardless of education, region or other limitations. QCEC is open to applicants who are at least 18 years old. All contestants will receive a certificate of participation, and the junior and senior category winners will travel to London to participate in various cultural and educational events.

Short description:

Location: London, England

Schedule: Fully funded

Fields: gold, silver, bronze

Deadline: June 30, 2023

Benefits of the Queen's Union Essay Contest:

  • Certificate of participation for all candidates.
  • Winners in both categories and a trip to London for a week for the winners.
  • This article appeared in media around the world.
  • Gold, silver and bronze medals.
  • Experience working in an international organization.
  • In addition, essay winners can participate in special events and receive prizes for their achievements.

Eligibility Criteria for the Commonwealth Essay Competition:

  • Citizens and citizens of Commonwealth countries.
  • Senior Category (14-18 years): Born between July 1, 2004 and June 30, 2009.
  • Junior Category (Under 14): Born on or after July 1, 2009.
  • Citizens of Ireland, Zimbabwe and Hong Kong are eligible to apply.
  • The Royal Commonwealth of Nations branch in a non-Commonwealth country will take care of the duties of the competitors.

Essay topic:

Write a topic for a large category

  • Participants in the Senior category of this essay writing competition must choose one of the following topics:
  • Write a speech for the President of the Commonwealth on the importance of youth in decision making.
  • Discuss the importance of age.
  • Explore the impact of 2023 on the world of youth.
  • Write a dialogue between two people who are at odds over a generational issue.
  • Write an essay for junior high school category
  • Entrants in the Junior category of the Commonwealth Essay Competition must choose one of the following topics:
  • Write a letter explaining why you admire your favorite young hero.
  • Explain your young superpower and how it can positively impact the world.
  • Write about your experiences on a planet where everyone is 18 years old or younger.
  • Explain why your voice matters.

Queen's Union Essay Contest Terms and Conditions:

The word limit is 1500 words for large text and 750 words for small text. One entry per participant.

  • It just chooses a topic
  • Written in English
  • It belongs to the age group
  • Copying is prohibited
  • Personal information is sent to RCS affiliates and competing partners
  • Only one Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) or PDF file (.pdf) has been uploaded.
  • RCS may change the award if circumstances arise
  • Selected content will be published on the RCS website

How to Apply for the Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition:

To enter the Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition, entrants must submit their work using the online entry form. Before submitting your work, make sure it meets the competition's rules and guidelines.


The closing date for submissions to the Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition is 30 June 2023. Don't miss this opportunity to take part in the popular writing program and have your voice heard.

The Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition provides a platform for young people to express their views on global issues and engage with others in the Commonwealth community. By participating in this essay writing competition, you'll improve your writing skills, network with like-minded people, and contribute to the ongoing conversation about the world's hottest media.

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