Are you wondering: how can I get a scholarship? Once you've figured out where in the world you want to study , we know you'll be looking for scholarship tips and funding information. That's why we've compiled an article with everything you need to know about getting a scholarship.

The team reviews thousands of applications and essays for our study abroad scholarships. Read our top ten scholarship tips to learn about the best ways to get a scholarship and make your study dreams come true! If you're more of a beginner and wondering how scholarships work, check out our scholarship guide .

1. Focus on the scholarships that are right for you

The first thing to know in terms of the best ways to get a scholarship is to look for study abroad scholarships that you qualify for and seem like a good fit. There are many scholarships you can apply for, but most are competitive. There are also many different types of scholarships that you can apply for. For example, scholarships in the United States can be awarded on academic merit, or they can be awarded as an athletic scholarship .

Be sure to reserve your time and effort for scholarship applications that you have the best chance of winning, and spend the remaining time casting the wider net for less likely fits.

2. Talk to the values ​​of those who are granting the scholarship

When you're thinking, 'How can I get a scholarship?', make sure you're asking yourself, 'What do scholarship providers want from me?' Our scholarship tips cannot give you the key to the heart of the institution offering the scholarship, so do your research!

At the top of the list of best ways to get a scholarship is conveying that you are a student who is an ambassador of the best attributes of the university, organization or company offering the scholarship. Check out their mission statements to see what they hold most dear, and look for examples of how you live and breathe those values ​​to include in your writing.

3. Share your vision for the future

Study Abroad Scholarships will make a significant difference for many students in their personal lives, yet few students are able to articulate how this scholarship will help them make meaningful differences in the world.

Whether you want to make a change in academia, NGOs, national government, the private sector or your hometown, you need to explain your “why”. So one of our handbag tips is to find out what drives you and how special that is. If you're having trouble framing this, check out our article on Study Abroad and Global Citizenship or Simon Sinek's talk for leaders on how to start with “why” to inspire others to invest in their mission.

4. Carefully follow the scholarship writing prompt

One of the most important things we will tell students when asked: How can I get a scholarship? is to take a close look at the criteria for a scholarship abroad and the essay application . The criteria are not random and are designed to help the right student match the values ​​we want to promote in the world.

Many of our candidates skip the essay question and are immediately disqualified. Even though you may be an excellent candidate in other areas, reading and following the essay prompt is necessary for success.

An additional point on our list of scholarship tips is to strategically reuse parts of your scholarship essays to save some time. However, be sure to significantly customize the wording to suit the wording request.

5. Don't be afraid to share how challenges have shaped you, but make sure you don't just list difficulties

Having a passionate reason to pursue your studies abroad is fantastic and most appreciate that excitement can help you achieve your goals.

It's also important to keep in mind that sometimes an essay focused on the difficulties you've faced can overshadow what you're being asked to write. Again, one of the best ways to get a scholarship is to adapt your answers to the prompt.

For example, on our Masters Scholarship in Europe , we asked “Why did you choose your study abroad country and how will it help you grow as a global leader?” Some of our most compelling finalists have faced personal struggles or witnessed the dire effects of problems facing their community, country or world. This lit a fire in them to choose a program and country where they could improve their knowledge and give back to the world. They discussed how they plan to act on challenges through the public, private, or not-for-profit sectors.

When you focus on the passion your life challenges have ignited in you, you can show the fellow how you will positively influence the world.

6. A scholarship application is not a CV

When learning about how to obtain a scholarship, it is crucial to know the difference between a scholarship application and a CV or CV . Unfortunately, some students that our ideal candidate attributes as “academic achievers” and “involved in extracurricular groups” have used their application essay only to provide a chronological history of their grades, volunteer work, and career history.

After reading their scholarship essays, we still had no idea if they were globally minded or how their program and country of choice would make a difference. One of the best ways to get a scholarship is to weave your experience into a narrative that tells the app reader who you are, not just what you've done.

7. Follow the submission instructions to ensure your scholarship application is approved in the first round

Another simple but often overlooked factor when students are learning how to get a scholarship is to follow all submission instructions from the beginning. Using the correct file format, attaching the correct documents, and making sure you hit the correct word count are all important tips to ensure your grant application is eligible for consideration.

A few minutes of time can ensure your entry is not disqualified.

8. Pay attention to details for a professional looking app


While many scholarship award committees won't disqualify you for a typo or spelling error (we don't include that in our rubric), it's still a great idea to have a trusted friend, family member, classmate, or mentor reading your registration to give you feedback.

We also recommend choosing an easy-to-read font if not specified, and not getting too creative with images unless they're allowed and speak to the message behind your app.

For example, including photos of your volunteer work or a photo of you presenting an academic project can bring your essay to life.

9. Make your scholarship essay unique

Another tip for how to get a scholarship is to be personal and transparent in your application. Academic scholarships are extremely competitive, with many applicants offering a good reason to be chosen. Don't be afraid to stand out from the crowd!

For example, if you're pursuing a master's degree to further your dream of helping Mexico preserve its native bee population, don't be shy about sharing how you became interested. Scholarship reviewers would love to hear more about how your passion started and developed over the years, and sharing these types of details will help you stand out from the crowd.

Just in case we need to mention it, please make sure your entry is honest and the words you use are your own. Most scholarship committees have access to anti-plagiarism software , and the references you provide, as well as the follow-up interviews you take, are important in confirming your honesty. Being dishonest is an easy way to completely disqualify your application.

10. Don't miss the deadline!

The most important information about getting a scholarship is to make sure you apply on time! Scholarships are generally executed on tight deadlines. You might not think about it, but the administrative procedures required to sift through thousands of entries, choose finalists and ultimately a winner will mean an entry cycle will be closely choreographed.

If you are applying for multiple scholarships abroad, it is important to keep track of and schedule all the scholarships you will apply for to complete and submit applications ahead of deadlines. While some Fellows may be flexible and accept applications a few hours or days past the deadline, others will not.