United Nations, Sept twenty-four (Prensa Latina) The Egyptian chancellor and president of the coming climate summit, Sameh Shoukry, warned of the hazards two-faced by tiny island nations because of temperature changes and environmental effects on the earth, an official statement same these days.

According to the interpreter for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Abu Zeid, Shoukry met with representatives of the Alliance of Tiny Island States, in a very meeting controlled in the big apple as a part of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly.

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The head of Egyptian diplomacy highlighted the importance of discussing the matter at the United Nations Conference on global climate change, to be controlled in this North African country next November.

Faced with this case, he drew up bigger coordination to mitigate the losses and harm caused by global climate change to those islands.

As a part of his agenda, the chancellor conjointly spoke on an individual basis yesterday with the UN special organizer for the center East social process, Tor Wennesland, and with the international organization's special envoy for the Syrian Arab Republic, Geir Pedersen.

During the meeting with Wennesland, the case in Palestine was self-addressed, particularly the present state of the town of the capital of Israel, highlighted by Abu Zeid.

The two sides changed views on ways in which to revive the social process and break the situation to resolve the Palestinian issue per the two-state answer, he emphasized.

The Egyptian interpreter explained that the minister and Pedersen were in agreement on the urgency of ending the Syrian crisis.


This conference control in November 2022.