STEP is a 12 weeks internship program for the students of first and second-year undergraduates with a degree in computer science.

This internship aims to provide development opportunities for students and to give exposure to different technology students. This internship offers interns to work on software development projects with experienced and senior employers of google to gain experience for their future and interns will learn to apply academic knowledge in their professional field.

FAFSA Scholarship

There are two internship session

·    May 22,2023-Augusat 11,2023

·    June 19,2023-September 8, 2023


·    To train the interns for their upcoming professional life.

·    To help interns to develop skills in their relevant fields and to develop skills like management, leadership, etc.

·    To give interns exposure to google's the inside environment, management, and culture. they also have the opportunity to attend technical talks to gain experience.

·    To build their reference and friendship with students and to share their experiences.


·    Applicant must be a student of first and second-year undergraduate of computer science and related field.

·    Applicant must have a grip on python, java, and C++.

·    Currently universities in North America


The application will be open in September 2023


·    Applicants visit google's official website

·    Click on a STEP internship program.

·    And fill out the application carefully and submit it.