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Fire! Firefighting is IACO's training topic

Everyone knows that fire is dangerous and can cause a lot of trouble if started.

We learned to be careful with fire since we were children and this concern is redoubled when we talk about the work environment, with many people involved, machines, and tools.

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We have already talked about materials that can cause fire and now we are going to highlight the training that IACO offers to teach you how to avoid it, control it, and the first steps after a fire occur.

firefighting The course is entirely based on the regulatory standard of the Ministry of Labor  NR-23, which deals exclusively with fires and their prevention, and consists of a theoretical and a practical part, with simulated exercises that will present the participant with an idea of ​​what he will experience when it happens. a fire.

The student also learns what types of fires are and how they should use fire extinguishers, hydrants, and the material to provide first aid to burns.

The firefighting course is of utmost importance for all employees of a company who are susceptible to a case of fire in their work area.

By doing the complete training with IACO, participants have access to a dynamic course, with qualified and experienced professionals, which will help them to learn in the best possible way the knowledge they need to fight fires!

Training NR-23 Fire Protection

Need to run NR-23 in your company? Don't know where to train? After all, what is NR-23 and what is it for?

Disciplining the work environment and protecting it from the risk of fire is one of the complementary rules, provided for in article 200 of the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT).

NR-23 deals exactly with Fire Protection, and for that, the company must carry out specific training in this regard for its employees and employees in general.

What is NR-23 training?

The NR-23 Fire Protection Training is a course that addresses practical and theoretical instructions on the subject.

It aims to enable students to deal with fire risk situations, learn the procedures and carry out the necessary preventive actions within this context, thus promoting greater safety in the work environment.

According to NR 23.1, NR 18.26.5, and ABNT 14276, it is a mandatory course.


How does NR-23 training work?

Training is supported by the following pillars:

·    Fire hazard identification

·    Inspection

·    Prevention

·    Action

For the above topics to be part of the training of the company's workers, the following program content is implemented:

·    Fire fighting in the workplace

·    Fire hazards in the plant.

·    incident reporting

·    Evacuation from the workplace

·    Treatment of fire victims

·    Types of fire extinguishers on site

·    Use of fire extinguishers

Where to do NR-23 Fire Protection Training?

IACO offers firefighting training to companies according to NR-23 rules.

The training covers diverse and comprehensive topics so that the participant can act safely during a fire event.

Get to know some of the points covered in theoretical and practical classes: issues of reporting incidents to the Fire Department, preventing fires in the workplace and homes, use of LPG, types of fire, use of fire extinguishers, use of hydrants, and practical training on fire fighting principles and notions of first aid to burns.

The success of the implementation of NR-23 depends, above all, on effective training, promoted by specialists in the subject and by an institution that values ​​the quality of education.

Before choosing in which institution your employees will take the fire protection course, try to evaluate the capacity of the professionals who work there, the company's reputation and its methods, as well as the program content adopted.

IACO 's training deals with diverse and comprehensive topics so that the participant can act safely during a fire event.

Due to the importance of fire protection, IACO NR-23 training is dedicated to all employees, so that they can have their safety, as well as maintain collective safety.


In IACO training, employees will:

·    know the basic rules so that they can practice them during training;

·    build skills so they can operate firefighting equipment;

·    develop effective procedures for a safe evacuation of workplaces;

·    offer knowledge about the signs or luminous signs;

·    recognize and maintain order and security in an emergency;

·    practice the use of fire-fighting equipment;

·    conduct fire prevention training;

·    receive safety instructions for emergency exits, when there are fire situations in the workplace;

·    report occurrences to the fire department;

·    prevent fires in the work environment;

·    use of LPG;

·    identify types of fire;

·    use fire extinguishers and hydrants; and

·    knowledge of first aid for burns.

·    NR-23 training is mandatory. Every employee must participate so that the company complies with the legislation.

What is the workload of the NR-23 training?

The workload of 16 hours, is mandatory by item NR 23.1, NR 18.26.5, ABNT 14276.

What is the validity of firefighting training?

The validity of the Fire Brigade course - NR 23 - Fire Protection of Ordinance 3214/78 of the Ministry of Labor is valid for 4 years.

Is the training certified?

IACO offers a certificate to the student who completes the course with a grade equal to or greater than 7, by Technical Resolution 014/BM-CCB/2009 Art n°3.

If there is no training, the company will receive a fine for non-compliance, which may vary according to the company and the number of employees.

Operating for more than 2 decades in the sector of specific training for such purposes, IACO is your best option for NR-23 Fire Protection Training.

With personalized service, we have the ideal solution for your needs, get in touch and check it out.



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