5 Scholarships at the University of Melbourne in Australia

Australia is already one of the most sought-after destinations when it comes to exchanges! Recent data from the Australian government show that there are more than 460,000 international students in the country. And the best thing is that there are many possibilities to study in the land of kangaroos at the most renowned universities.

FAFSA scholarships


1. Melbourne Chancellors

One of the most famous scholarships at the University of Melbourne is the Chancellor's Scholarship. This is a benefit given to undergraduate students who are talented and have excellent grades.

The institution considers the scholarship as a form of recognition for excellent academic performance during the International Baccalaureate (IB) held in Australia.

For this opportunity, no additional application is required. Interested parties will be automatically considered, provided they meet the criteria, which are:

• be a citizen of a country other than Australia;

• have completed the Australian Year 12 or International Baccalaureate in Australia;

• apply for a University of Melbourne degree course via VTAC to commence the year following completion of the Australian Year 12 or International Baccalaureate;

• have not previously undertaken any higher studies (other than extension studies completed as part of a Year 12 program).

This scholarship will be awarded on a merit basis and guaranteed to all students who satisfy the undergraduate course prerequisites and have achieved an ATAR of at least 99.90, or 99.85 for those wishing to pursue a Bachelor of Music degree, combined with an A+ audition score.

Those selected will have a partial scholarship, which will pay 50% of the annuities. This opportunity applies to all areas of study.

2. Trinity College Residential College Scholarships

Trinity College offers about $1.6 million in scholarships per year. There are approximately 70 scholarships that allow students in need of financial assistance to study at Trinity College at the University of Melbourne.

The amount of aid is between $5,000 and $30,000 (defined on a case-by-case basis) and is valid for all areas of study.

To be eligible, the applicant must be successfully enrolled at the University of Melbourne and a resident at Trinity College. This opportunity is developed because Trinity College is the oldest residential college at the University of Melbourne, which opened in 1872. Application for this opportunity is usually done directly on the Trinity College website.

3. Melbourne Humanitarian Access Scholarship

The University of Melbourne Humanitarian Access Scholarship will be open to applicants from September 1 to November 30, 2023. This is usually the annual deadline for the opportunity, but it's important to keep an eye out as the calendar may have some changes.

Generally speaking, 4 scholarships will cover 100% of the tuition fee, in the amount of up to $120,000, and are valid for all undergraduate or postgraduate students. There will still be a subsidy for personal expenses such as food and housing of $5,000 per year (paid in two installments, in April and September).

Those interested in pursuing higher education must meet the following requirements:

• be a citizen of a country other than Australia and New Zealand and not be a permanent resident of Australia and:

• have applied for or hold a temporary or permanent Australian humanitarian visa ;

• have completed the Australian Year 12 or International Baccalaureate in Australia.

In addition, the applicant must satisfy the course and language proficiency requirements. For the undergraduate scholarship, the student is required to have not attended any higher education program.

Selection for scholarship recipients will be made according to the students with the highest scores. Those who meet the requirements must submit the form separately, also indicating how the scholarship will benefit their personal and professional life. It is worth remembering that if the applicant is approved for a permanent residency visa, the scholarship will no longer be valid.

4. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions scholarship program determines your opportunities each year. For the current edition, there are two chances. Just to give you an idea, in the previous edition there were 7 different bags

This year, the first one is for a doctorate at the University of Melbourne, in Australia, and the budget is 427.3 million euros.

The selection of doctoral candidates will be based on merit, that is, grades and results throughout their academic life will be the determining factors in deciding who will be awarded. The deadline for submitting proposals ends on November 15 this year.

The second opportunity is for postdoctoral scholarships. The objective is to reinforce the creative and innovative potential of researchers of any nationality, with more than 200 million euros of investment. And the deadline for applications is set on September 14, 2022.

5. Melbourne International Undergraduate Scholarship

The University of Melbourne has around 1,000 scholarships for international students, who will have a reduced annual fee to complete their degree at the institution.

In this case, no additional application is required. Students who have been accepted to study at the university will already be automatically considered, provided they meet the following requirements:

• be a citizen of a country other than Australia and New Zealand and not be a permanent resident of Australia;

• have completed high school outside of Australia;

• receive an unconditional offer for an undergraduate degree at the University of Melbourne;

• have a high school result that places you in the top 3%;

• and not having previously carried out any higher-level studies.

The scholarship will be offered to eligible applicants based on academic merit and ranking according to past academic results. It can cover between 50% and 100% of annuities, depending on the classification. The possibilities are as follows:

• $10,000 discount on tuition fees during the first year of an undergraduate degree;

• 50% discount on tuition during three years of graduation; or

• 100% discount on the annual fee also for the three years of the course.